Driving in the Rain Isn't Fun..Here Are Some Defensive Driving Tips!

We all know that Michigan gets four seasons – fall, winter, spring and construction. Oh wait! We meant summer.
So far, this spring we’ve really had more of a fall/spring mix. We think everyone can agree, enough with the rain already!
Rain often causes delays or accidents, and there are some drivers who are not comfortable driving when the road is wet. ArborMotion wants to make sure that you’re not only safe on the road but are also comfortable driving in changing weather conditions.
Here are some tips and tricks for the next time you drive in the rain (which will most likely be very soon, because you live in Michigan.)
- Be cautious of wind gusts in open areas. Slow down and be aware of other drivers in different lanes and notice that they might drift over because of high wind.
- Stay cautious of large vehicle (Tractor trailers, larger SUV’s and recreational vehicles). These vehicles are more susceptible to strong wind gusts and the drivers might have a harder time staying in their lane.
- Keep both hands on the wheel, which will make it easier to avoid other vehicles or debris that may find its way on the road. Keep a firm grip!
- Slow your speed! Water on the road may cause your vehicle to slip and slide. If you’re able to, avoid driving right after it starts to rain – fresh rain may cause oil to resurface, which can cause slick spots.
- Your lights should be on! Rain doesn’t usually come with sunshine and depending on how hard it’s raining, seeing for a long distance ahead may be impossible. Help other drivers see you by having your lights on. If the rain is very heavy, having your hazards on can also be helpful!
- You should always leave space between you and the vehicles around you. This is especially important in the rain! Remember, fresh rain can bring up oil spills and can cause you to slip even when you have already reduced your speed. Allowing more than a full car’s length in between you and other vehicles can save you from a collision!
Schedule Routine Maintenance on Your Car Today!
We want you to be safe and cautious on the road! If you ever feel something is wrong with your vehicle, like brakes or windshield wipers, please bring your vehicle to ArborMotion. Our technicians will make it right!
We specialize in European auto repair, but we also provide expert service on all major domestic brands including service and repairs on Ford, Chevy and Jeep. Give us a call or shoot us an email, we’re more than happy to make you an appointment today!