We Could Write About Potholes Like Everybody Else, But Why? Let's take a Road Trip!
Pretty much everything you’ll read about from an auto repair shop right now is “Oh my gosh, the potholes this year are bigger than ever!” While that is not untrue, probably the last thing you want to read is yet another article about potholes. It’s true, they’re everywhere and they’re dangerous to your tires and alignment. Bring your car in to ArborMotion for an alignment check. It can save you the cost and headache of premature wear on your tires and your suspension.
But let’s move on to something a little more interesting…
When was the last time you took an old-fashioned road trip? There is so much to explore in our great country, sometimes you just have to do a little digging … or read on! At ArborMotion, we’re big fans of taking road trips and we have a few that are well worth your time and effort.
Every ten years, Sebastian Gaeta, the owner of ArborMotion, likes to make the trek to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for his high school reunions. “Not being a native of Louisiana, and having only lived there during high school and early college days, I only go back for reunions even though it is a great place to visit and I have many fond memories of that time. Believe it or not, I drive there, but for a good reason; that reason is called the Natchez Trace Parkway.”
The parkway is 444 Miles of softly twisting roads with nice elevation changes that are an absolute joy to drive. If you’re not familiar with parkways, they’re federally funded highways with very strict zoning. There are no billboards, exits with gas stations or McDonald’s visible from the road. You see nothing but trees the entire way. Fear not, because there are exits that lead to gas stations and restaurants, it’s just that you can’t see the buildings until you actually exit the parkway.
The tranquil drive starts at the south end of Nashville and winds through Tennessee and northwest Alabama before entering into Mississippi and ending in Natchez. Along the way you’ll see wildlife, lakes, rivers and streams along with some cool historical buildings that you can stop and explore. “I give it a huge thumb’s up.” says Sebastian. You can read more about it HERE.
If you want to take a trip but don’t want to go that far, a drive up north will do it for you. Heading into Harbor Springs and then north is the world-famous M-119, the tunnel of trees. In fact, you don’t have to limit it to just M-119. There are a lot of great roads to explore! See THIS STORY for more ideas.

One last example is in the great state of Vermont. Route 100 bisects the state north and south into two long, narrow sections. Annually voted one of the best driving roads in the world it is in some ways like the Natchez Trace Parkway, but with a more exciting drive … even twistier roads and even bigger elevation changes. With some neat stops along the way, like Moss Glenn Falls and Texas Falls just off of Route 100 on Route 125.

Whether you choose any of these or make your own route, Americas highways and byways are still a great way to see some of our country’s great beauty at your own pace.
ArborMotion: Foreign Car Repair in Ann Arbor You Can Trust.
At ArborMotion, we specialize in foreign car repair in Ann Arbor. All our technicians are ASE certified and three have ASE Master Technician certifications. If you want a reputable technician who specializes in your brand of vehicle, schedule an appointment with us today!