What Happened to my Fuel Economy?

With gas prices going up, people are a lot more careful about the vehicles they’re buying. Did you know there are other ways to help improve your fuel economy that don’t involve buying a brand-new Eco car?
Next time you’re on the road, pay attention to the speed limit, make sure to put a safe distance between you and the other cars, and try not to accelerate too fast.
Another way to help out your fuel economy is to use cruise control whenever possible. Try doing this the next time you’re on a road trip or driving to work on the highway. Cruise control tends to reduce braking and accelerating, allowing your vehicle to use less gas over the same distance.
Carrying too much cargo can also cause your gas mileage to decrease. If there’s anything in your vehicle that you don’t need, take it out. Carrying too much extra weight means your vehicle is doing more work!
Idling is also a way to waste gas. Next time you’re parked, try turning off your engine. Hot summer days may prevent a lot of us from taking this step, but this can save you money!
All these steps can help save you time at the gas pump, give you more time on your road trip, and put money back in your pocket! These steps can also help all of us become better drivers. The more you're aware of the speed limit, the less likely you are to accelerate too fast and brake too frequently.
ArborMotion: Foreign Car Repair in Ann Arbor You Can Trust.
At ArborMotion, we specialize in foreign car repair in Ann Arbor. All our technicians are ASE certified and three have ASE Master Technician certifications. If you want a reputable technician who specializes in your brand of vehicle, schedule an appointment with us today!