Kick off Spring with a New Air Filter

Spring means buds on the trees, flowers, and grass growing again. The greens, pinks, purples and yellows are so uplifting after the whites and grays of winter! Unfortunately, all the color and growth also means pollen. Anyone who suffers spring allergies knows the sneezing, wheezing and stuffiness the changing season can bring.
We’re protected when we get in our car from the assault on our allergies, right?
Not necessarily. If your air filter is dirty, full of holes, or even missing, it can’t do its job. The purpose of your engine air filter is to protect the engine from dirt, dust and other particles like pollen. Over time it gets dirty, sometimes really dirty or even infested with rodents! A dirty engine air filter is less effective and can lead to decreased engine performance and even decreased fuel economy.

In addition, most cars have a cabin filter, sometimes called a dust or pollen filter, that’s specifically designed to clean the air you breathe inside your car. This filter is usually located in your dash near the passenger. It keeps pollen, dust, bacteria and even exhaust fumes out of the inside of your car. It also keeps leaves, bugs and other debris from getting into your heating and cooling system causing damage. If it gets dirty, it can aggravate allergies, make you sick or cause problems in your heating and cooling system.
When should I change my filters? Spring is the perfect time! If you’re unsure when your engine filter or cabin filter was changed last, it’s a good idea to start pollen season off with a nice clean air filter. Vehicle manufacturers have specific mileage or times when they recommend replacing these filters. Most manufacturers recommend changing the engine air filter about every 20,000 - 40,000 miles. The cabin air filter is usually scheduled for replacement every 15,000 - 20,000 miles. Your owner’s manual or repair facility can tell you when your filters are due for replacement.

ArborMotion: Foreign Car Repair in Ann Arbor You Can Trust!
Come see us to change your air filters and get a head start on an allergy free season!
At ArborMotion, we specialize in foreign car repair in Ann Arbor. All our technicians are ASE certified and three have ASE Master Technician certifications. If you want a reputable technician who specializes in your brand of vehicle, schedule an appointment with us today!