Reduce Your Time at the Repair Shop

Q: Can the software used by your auto repair shop actually make your life easier?
A: The answer, plain and simple, is yes.
ArborMotion is proud to announce that we are now using Shop-Ware.
So what is Shop-Ware? It’s an innovative shop management software that maximizes workplace productivity by giving you the option to perform all transactions digitally, making life easier for you, the customer. You can sign repair orders right on our computer screen and a copy will automatically be sent to your email (unless you’d prefer a printed copy, we can do that too!). The write up process is also fast and efficient because Shop-Ware records every job type we’ve ever input, so you don’t have to stand around and wait while we type and type and type. We never have to enter an order type twice. Same goes for estimating the repair work and sourcing parts—it’s already in our system and ready to go so you receive a complete estimate quickly.
You may be as interactive as you wish and can follow the repair process online from start to finish. Our customers may view images and videos of components on their vehicle that need repair. You can approve or decline the repair right there online saving time and getting the work done faster and more efficiently. This complete transparency in the repair process is another way we build trust with our customers. We’re not trying to remove the personal interaction we have with our customers, we are enhancing it by providing additional options that can be much more convenient for our customers than a phone call. On top of all of those benefits, Shop-Ware is a paperless system, and thanks to it our paper consumption is down 80%.
Make your way in to ArborMotion and see for yourself how easily your car can be fixed.
Check out what some of our customers have already told us:
“Your new estimating system is awesome!”
“I like that fact that I have the option to receive my paperwork via email. Sometimes I don’t want to have to deal with all of that paper, but it’s also nice to know I can have hard copies of everything, too, my choice.”
“That was really neat to look online at my repair info. I liked the fact that I could see a picture of the oil line leak. It really helped being able to actually see what needed attention on my car in order to make a decision on whether or not to fix it.”
“Signing on the screen to begin the repair process and then receiving the information in my email was a snap!”