The Dangers of Summer Heat

With summer upon us, it’s a good time for a reminder on the danger of leaving kids or pets unattended in the car. At ArborMotion, our focus isn’t just on repairing vehicles, it’s on protecting the drivers and passengers in those vehicles anytime they’re on the road.
Studies show that the temperature inside a parked vehicle rapidly rises to a dangerous level for children, pets, and even adults. Leaving the windows slightly open doesn’t significantly decrease the heating rate. On an 85-degree day, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 140 to 190 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. In addition to the danger of leaving your children and pets in the car in the heat, it’s also illegal. Currently, Michigan state law prohibits leaving a child unattended in a vehicle if it poses “unreasonable risk of harm or injury” and is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Similar legislation concerning pets is moving through the state senate now.
Here are some tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association to keep everyone safe during summer’s heat:
- Never leave kids, disabled adults, or pets alone in a hot car, even briefly.
- Always check the front and back seats before locking and leaving your car.
- See a kid alone in a hot car? Call 911 immediately. Get them out ASAP if they are in distress.
- Put a purse, briefcase, or something else needed by the car seat to prompt a check of the backseat.
- Always lock the car when it’s empty so kids can’t get in without an adult knowing.
Stay safe and enjoy the summer!