"Trunk or Treat" at ArborMotion

ArborMotion’s very first “Trunk or Treat” event took place at our shop on Thursday, October 27th from 5:00p.m to 7:00 p.m., and it was a SPOOKTACULAR time! We had decorated vehicles in our lot for our trick-or-treaters, and we also had an indoor area full of games, a bounce house, and other fun activities.
ArborMotion would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for all of their help in making our “Trunk or Treat” such a success!

Our friends at Awesome Bounce provided us with an AWESOME Halloween-themed combo bounce house – complete with a slide and a basketball hoop! Needless to say, this was quite popular with the kiddos.
Our neighbors at Scrap Box were kind enough to let us borrow some fun kids’ games for our guests to play: spider toss, ghost bowling, fishing game, ring toss, and even some hula hoops!

Kaitlyn, one of our friends at Camp Bow Wow Ann Arbor, brought treats for our kid and canine trick-or-treaters, as well as frisbees and tennis balls! Didn’t she do a fabulous job decorating her car, too?
A big thanks to Scott & Norma Dentler, Debbie Brodie, Chad Newbound, Tina Gary, John McMullen, Christi Bauchat, Tim Pott, and David Raney for decorating their cars and passing out candy.

And of course, a huge thanks to our ArborMotion team who volunteered their time and talents to create this evening of community fun. We definitely look forward to making this an annual tradition, and we are so glad that it was a fun time.
Thanks again, everyone! Let’s do it again next year!